Butcher’s Manifesto Meat Summit blev afholdt for anden gang i Folkets Madhus 20-21 august 2017 med 50 slagterstjerner fra hele verden. Butcher’s Manifesto er nu en international NGO. Det er vi er stolte og begejstrede over og ser frem til at fortsætte det store, men spændende arbejde med at promovere slagterfaget.

Butcher’s Manifesto er skabt for at redde slagterfaget fra at uddø og har bl.a. uddannelse af unge slagtere, overlevering af viden og håndværk og transparens i produktionen på dagsordenen. Slagterfaget er under pres i hele verden, hvilket den høje internationale deltagelse fra USA, Frankrig, Belgien, Tyskland, Polen, New Zealand, Holland, England, Schweiz og Canada understreger.

Butcher’s Manifesto har fået sin egen hjemmeside, så sus ind her og bliv klogere på projektet.

Revitalizing a dying trade – check out our new website

Joining the Butcher’s Manifesto means committing to an active effort to revitalize a dying trade. It is vital to keep training new professional butchers and also to preserve traditions, techniques and methods and combine them with the needs of the modern world to ensure that future generations of butchers understand and appreciate the rationale.

‘With Butcher’s Manifesto, we have made a joint decision to tell people what we’re about. That quality ingredients require proper living conditions for the animal. That in turn requires education, among other conditions, and unfortunately, many of the existing and established training programmes around the world simply aren’t good enough. Now, we need to attract additional members and bring together even more butchers from around the world,’ Michael Museth explains.


As proud butchers we solemnly declare to the following commandments
1. We honor the valuable traditions of butchery.
2. We insist on honest and transparent meat sourcing and processes
3. We promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise.
4. We represent a craft that is the joyful expression of tradition and innovation.
5. We lead the conversation about responsible consumption of meat